Monday, June 10, 2013

20 Hour Famine - Going Hard Out For The Hungry

On Friday, the Year 5, 6, 7 and 8 students got to go "Hard out for the Hungry" for Bougainville , Papua New Guinea. I was supporting the green team ! We did a lot of things on that Friday night. We watched Wreck it Ralph, did some activities , had some teachings and watched some 40 hour famine movies showing our teams' cheer.

We were very lucky to have the Youth Ambassadors come to our school and tell us their experiences in Papua New Guinea. They were really inspiring to us as they told us about lots of things! We learnt about what they eat and what they drink  in Papua New Guinea. They eat Kaukau (kumara in their language) all day!

They drink dirty water as well. If you sponsored us, you made a big difference to those kids. Devon and the Youth Ambassadors did an activity with us, which I call 'stations'.

Our first station was the Food station and our job was to find different food for the food pyramid. It was really hard because all we found was Kumara, Kumara, Kumara! It was really difficult, it also taught us about how hard their life is over there.

Our next station was the Education station where we had to remember everything that was under the sheet and so far we did not graduate. The funniest station was the medical station , we had to put the cup of water into another. We actually found out that in the garden sprinkler there was coke.

Our last station was the house station, we had to build a house using cardboard boxes and chairs to be able to be safe. Over all I think that we found out a lot of things as well as helping the kids who need food and clean water. 

Here is one of the movies I was inspired by...

I created this movie, along with my team, to say thank you to our sponsors:

THF from KPE TV on Vimeo.

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