Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Waitangi Day #3PS

I guess you’re wondering why theres 3 paragraphs below. You might be thinking what is the main thing about it? These paragraphs  are mainly about Waitangi day. Also about the 3 p’s that were contained in the treaty!

1. Protection :

Protection is another word for safe, defence and immunity.  Protection. What does it mean? Is it food? a drink? a chemical? Protection is defending yourself , being responsible and preservation. What does it got to do with our school? Showing the way could be an example of protection. We could show the little kids what it’s like to be responsible for things.  Showing the new entrances the right way to play , use language and think. That’s protection.


Partnership is involving with one another. Working together , socialising with each other . Disagreeing and agreeing with one another is good partnership. Kia Pai Te Kotahi. Better together. Partnership doesn’t mean leaving a person out and left alone! Partnership is working together in a group co-operating also having trust in one group.

Participation :

In action of volunteering , joining in and having  trust. Participation is having to do something never done before . No matter how boring it is, or how   hard it is, how confusing it is , participation is all it takes. Participating in helping our teachers , other students or family is another way to explain it.  Experiencing something never done before , is sometimes how I participate.

1 comment:

  1. Josephine
    Those are some fantastic virtues and values to have and aim for for 2014. I am sure if you are able to follow them and stick with them then you will have an incredibly successful year. I like how you also tied the values in with the treaty of Waitangi.

    What would you think is going to be the most challenging part of your 2014 school year?

    Mr Webb and Room One, Auroa Primary School, Auroa, Taranaki
